The United States is on the cusp of a transition from governance by mostly white, mostly male, mostly Protestant-Christian politicians to governance by racially, ethnically, sexually, and religiously diverse politicians. The WASP old-guard sees this as an existential threat to the patriarchal Protestant-Christian culture they have long imposed on the nation, and they’ve devised strategies to thwart this transition in governance despite being on the losing end of demographic shifts (Gen Z is almost 50% non-religious).
The old-guard power brokers recognized the oncoming demographic shift decades ago and decided that the way to thwart these hated changes was to take power away from "We the People," consent of the governed be damned. They claim to feel a duty to save us from ourselves by re-imposing their puritan Christian culture on the nation. Gerrymandering has long been used as a tool of minority rule, but the power brokers know that at some point, it will no longer be sufficient to keep them in power. They’ve spent decades using the politicians they own to pack the nation’s judicial system with Federalist Society judges who are in tune with their politics, turning the nation’s courts into an aristocracy empowered to overrule "We the People" and enforce minority rule. Their corrupt Supreme Court majority devised a constitutionally unknown “history and tradition” test, which gives deference to the nation’s WASP-Christian past, despite the fact that nowhere does the Constitution privilege “history and tradition” over principles like equality of citizenship. Also, the Supreme Court Historical Society, created by Nixon’s boy Warren Burger, has become a forum for the wealthy power brokers to lobby and bribe the “Justices.”
Another means of taking power away from "We the People" involves attempts to thwart state ballot initiative processes. (When a politician says, “Direct democracy doesn’t work,” he means that it doesn’t work the way he wants it to work.) To make collecting the required number of ballot initiative voter signatures more difficult, legislators in some Republican-gerrymandered states are trying to pass measures mandating that a certain percentage of the voter signatures gathered must be from rural counties, where people are few and far between, and many of those who can be found are implacably hostile toward progressive ballot issues. To make success at the state ballot box more difficult, legislators in some Republican-gerrymandered states are trying to raise the initiative passage threshold from a simple majority to a 60% supermajority (as in Florida). Here in Michigan, the legislature, long controlled by a gerrymandered Republican “majority,” had a habit of passing bills similar to ballot initiative proposals—far enough ahead of an election to knock the voter initiative off the ballot—only to rescind or drastically amend their initiative doppelganger in the lame-duck session after the election.
The third blow aimed at the power of "We the People" is the assault on public education. Since the civil rights and anti-war protests of the 1960s and 70s, the power brokers have steadily pushed state legislatures to send public education funds to private schools and to dumb down public school education about civics. People who are kept ignorant of their rights cannot exercise those rights. The wealthy power brokers are also pushing state legislatures to relax child labor laws so that they can get the children of the working class out of schools and into workplaces.
The ultimate step in taking power away from "We the People" would be enactment of the plans laid out in the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. It envisions making our next “conservative” president into an autocratic “unitary executive” empowered to fire all federal employees, regardless of Civil Service status. These apolitical experts would be replaced by a corps of untrained, conservative-loyal-and-vetted “young ideological warriors” bent on taking U.S. culture back to the WASP-dominated 1950s. The “unitary executive” would exercise broad executive powers, often ruling by decree, and Project 2025 would allow the “unitary executive” to make the Department of Justice into a tool of the presidency. That would be useful for “prosecuting” his political opponents and seizing voting machines in swing states to "check for fraud," fixing it so that Democrats can never win another election.
Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, says that conservatives are trying to pull off a second American Revolution, which “will be bloodless, if the left will allow it.”
Roberts shouldn't expect "the left" to stand idly by while he tries to take the nation's culture back to the 1950s, when, in many places, local churches and WASP political bosses determined which people had what rights. Back then, racial segregation was legal, gay and lesbian sex was illegal, women and minorities were kept in “their place,” and no one would dare to challenge a Christian nativity scene in the lobby of city hall.
"The left" has worked hard for decades to separate Christianity from government and to make the principle of equality of citizenship overrule those who created second-class citizenships for their non-WASP neighbors. "The left" operates from a liberating philosophy of “live and let live,” as opposed to the theocratic, authoritarian philosophy of “we will tell you how to live.” We will not give in to theocratic authoritarianism and having all of our hard work undone.
Roberts needs to back off on his implied threat of bloodshed for opposition. I, for one, will not allow his beliefs to constrain or dictate my choices in life.
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” —Plato
Part 1
The first fifty pages
America's Christian nationalists seem to yearn for a simpler time, when most of the people they encountered were much like themselves, and Washington, D.C. was an almost mythical place, so far away that it had no effect on anything that mattered. Now, faced with an American society that has been becoming ever more diverse, ethnically, religiously, and sexually, they are giving up their advocacy of small, distant government. They are now plotting an attempt to capture the power of Washington D.C. to use to reassert their former cultural influence and make the nation comply with their very Christian, black-and-white, "sin"-defined sexual customs.
There has long been a political movement attempting to call another Constitutional Convention.
The Constitution
Those who try to claim that the United States is a “Christian nation” often say that “separation of church and state” isn’t in the Constitution. What they don’t say is that it also does not contain “Christian nation,” “Christian heritage,” “Christianity,” “Jesus Christ” or “God.” It doesn’t even contain the words “freedom of religion.”