Michigan Atheists was founded in 1975 and is the oldest, local Atheist group in America.
We are a statewide, 501c3 nonprofit, nonpartisan, social and educational organization defending Atheists civil rights, and dedicated to the complete and absolute separation of state and church.
Action without discussion is dangerous. Discussion without action is futile.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings
Monthly meeting: we meet the first Sunday of every month for dinner, friendship, announcements and a speaker program.
Summer Solstice: we host a state-wide Godless Picnic.
Annual Michigan Atheists State Convention
We were the first state to hold an Atheist state convention, in 1984, and continue to host an annual Atheist state convention.
Cable TV
The pride of Michigan Atheists is its production of our monthly cable TV series, “Atheists Speak Up” which began in 2005, and continues in the able hands of our Executive Producer, Marty Maier. Our show proudly works to project a positive image of Atheists. In 2009 we were recognized by the Central States Region of the Alliance for Community Media for excellence in community programming.
We produce “Atheists Speak Up” in a professional studio, with skilled, volunteer technicians and with a broadly defined mission to build the secular community through media exposure of issues dealing with separation of state and church. Our shows feature a large diversity of guests and subjects.
Street Tabling
Michigan Atheists runs booths at the annual Ann Arbor Art Fair, which is among the largest fairs in the county, at the Ferndale Pride, and at the growing Allen Park Street Fair. As a result we talk with thousands of fair goers, many of whom take pictures of our display, shake our hands and thank us for being there.
Court Cases
Michigan Atheists was instrumental in bringing about the lawsuit, American Atheists, Inc.: Steve Walker v. City of Detroit Downtown Development Authority.
This case involved public funding for the repair of three Detroit Churches. Plaintiff, Steve Walker, is a member and activist with Michigan Atheists. On March 5, 2009 we traveled to Cincinnati, Ohio to hear the oral arguments the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. While the courts ruled against us, we are pleased that our supporters, with a brief of Amicus Curiae, include: American Jewish Committee; Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty; Hadassah, Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc.; Hindu American Foundation; The Interfaith Alliance Foundation; Americans for Religious Liberty; Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and American Jewish Congress. This case demonstrated support and cooperation from not only the secular but also the sectarian community.
In 2004 Michigan Atheists participated in Anonka & Tammra Jocham v. Tuscola County, and made history with what appears to be the nation’s first settlement of a religious discrimination lawsuit involving free speech for Atheists. A film, The Separation on State Street, by Robert St. Mary documents the history of this victory.
Community Watchdog Program
Michigan Atheists responds to actions that intrude on separation of state and church. To that end, we testify at various venues and protest at local units of government to defend the First Amendment. We have produced many public rallies and demonstrations.
Michigan Atheists Book of Essays
Michigan Atheists produced its first book of essays, written by Michigan Atheists members, “Michigan Atheists Speak Out,” in March, 2010. We are considering publishing a second volume with new essays.
Thank you for your review of some of Michigan Atheists’ activities. We are a friendly and busy group, always welcoming new members and new leaders in our efforts.