When a proselytizing believer comes up against a skeptic's observation that there is no credible objective evidence of supernatural beings, the believer will sometimes try to reject that observation by telling the skeptic, "You can't disprove the existence of God". Is that a valid argument? In order to examine that question, let's try out the argument on a simpler task. Let's try to disprove the claim "unicorns exist."
“Intelligent design” creationists often claim that evolution could not have produced the living things that inhabit Earth because, they say, certain biological structures are “too complex” to have arisen through the action of an unguided survival-of-the-fittest natural selection process applied to individual variations caused by random mutations. Let us examine that claim.
Michigan Atheists was founded in 1975 and is the oldest, local Atheist group in America.
On July 14, 2011, while I was helping to tend the Michigan Atheists’ information booth at the Wyandotte Art Fair in Wyandotte, Michigan, an older man approached, somewhat hesitantly. After working up enough courage, he asked us what we “believed” about the origin of life, the universe and everything.
When theists speak of Atheists, some express odd ideas about who Atheists are and what we’re up to. To set the record straight, we are not people who “hate god” or “worship the devil.” In fact, we dispute the claims of their existence.
While I was helping to tend the Michigan Atheists’ booth at the Allen Park Street Art Fair on August 8, 2015, a young man wearing a “Grace College/Univ” tee-shirt stopped to talk, and asked us whether or not Atheists “believe in” evolution. I told him that Atheists do not “believe in” evolution the way that theists “believe in” the existence of one or more gods. Most Atheists accept evolution as the best-supported explanation put forward, so far, to explain the observed similarities between species.