It seems that some people believe that Atheists are fair game for treachery and harassment -- and our property fair game for vandalism -- most likely because they’ve been told that “Atheists have no morals.” That idea reflects a primitive, paranoid tribal fear of “outsiders.”

In light of the First Amendment, the United States Congress had no business selecting a religious saying as the national motto. “In God We Trust” has no legitimate place in public schools, in places where citizens must go to conduct their business with government, or on our money.

On July 10, 2010, while I was taking a turn tending the Michigan Atheists’ information booth at the Wyandotte Art Fair in Wyandotte, Michigan, a middle aged woman who seemed to be passing by dropped an invitation to a Christian church onto our table, and said to me, “I hope your eyes will be opened.” She then scampered away into the crowd before I could ask her why she might think that it would be appropriate to make such a rude comment.

Conservative religious believers’ (theists’) accusation that “Atheists have no morals” reflects simple tribalism -- an intense fear, contempt and/or animosity toward any who do not practice the culture peculiar to one’s own tribe.